Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Be glad that she's with you
and here by your side,
she will always love you
don't ever forget how much she tried,
to make you happy every single day.

Happy Mother's Day

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Want To Know What Girls Really Means On Fairies'nFriends?

Well girls means news actually! watch...its a carefully organized word...

If you actually don't understand then im afraid you can't see ne... I mean girls!!!
(comment just so you understand or don't okay.)

Magic Adventure Game News!!!

Winx Adventure is officially released! This week’s update includes...ELECTRONICS,CHAIRS,DOORS,WALLPAPER & FLOORING,HAIRS,LIGHTS,and MORE!!! its all happening right now at WinxClub.Com!!! Join the fun today and make your home stylish and fun!!!


A new thrilling comic has been added! Check it out at WinxClub.Com!!!


Hello again Winx Adventurers!

The first event for Winx Adventure is the Best Room event!

This event will start from 30th September 2010 till 6th Oct 2010!
For this event, here are the rules and information:


1. Once the event has been officially announced Open, interested participants are to submit 1 unaltered image of their Personal Rooms on the forum thread titled: Best Room Event Entries.
2. Images submitted should display the entire room clearly.
3. Each Winx Adventurer can only submit their room once. If more than 1 room is submitted, only the first image will be considered.
4. The entire game window, including the browser, should be captured. (See example uptop):

Wednesday, July 14, 2010